Dr. Mahesh K Bhat

Dr. Mahesh K Bhat
M.Sc. , Ph.D.
Associate Professor & Head Of The Department


  • GOVINDAPPA NAVALAGI AND MAHESH K BHAT  (2007),Generalized pre-open functions, journal of Mathematics and Mathematical science ,vol-3,no 2,pp 109-116
  • GOVINDAPPA NAVALAGI AND MAHESH K BHAT  (2007),On sgp- closed sets in Topological space ,Journal of applied mathematical anylysis & applications ,Vol 2 ,pp 45-58
  • GOVINDAPPA NAVALAGI &  MAHESH K BHAT , Rayanagoudar, P.G Patil (2009),On g# -closed sets) n bitopological spaces ,GJ-AMMS,Vol 2 ,no 1 -2 pp 15-26
  • GOVINDAPPA NAVALAGI & MAHESH K BHAT (2009) Rarely gα-continuous function in topological space. International journal of mathematics and computing applications, Vol 1,no1 ,pp 1-5
  • Patil, T.D.Rayanagoudar  & MAHESH K BHAT (2011), On some new functions of g*p-continuity  in topological spaces,  Int .J . contemp. Math Science, Vol. 6,2011, no 20,991-998
  • MAHESH K BHAT & Hanif  PAGE (2016) , On separation axioms in topological spaces , International journal of Research Granthalaaya, Vol 4 ,no 6 ,163-169
  • MAHESH K BHAT & Hanif  PAGE ,Dattatraya M Hegde (2017),On sgp-closed and sgp- open functions in topology,International journal of mathematics trends and Technology (IJMTT)- Vol -50 ,no 1, pp 53-58
  • MAHESH K BHAT & Hanif  PAGE (2017), Study on sgp-regular and sgp- normal spaces, Journal of computer and mathematical science ,vol-8 (10), pp 520-526
  • MAHESH K BHAT & Hanif  PAGE (2017) Strong forms of continuous functions via sgp-closed sets in topology ,Journal of global research in mathematical archives, Vol 4, no 11 ,pp115-119
  • MAHESH K BHAT & Hanif  PAGE (2018) Sgp-locally closed sets topological space, Journal of computer and mathematical science, Vol 9 (8), pp 1063-1071

Paper Presented in International/National Seminars

  • National seminar on ‘Resent trends in analysis & its application’ organized by Gudleppa Hallikeri College Haveri on 24th & 25th June 2005
  • National conference in analysis & application with special emphasis on algebra and topology’ organized by K.U.Dharwad, Dept. of Mathematics from 2nd to 4th Feb.2007
  • Digital Topology’ National conference “Applied Mathematics  held on G.H.College ,Haveri
  • “Vedic Mathematics’’State  leval seminar  held on  T.College ,Gadag.
  • Sgp-g# Topological Spaceand its Properties, National conference  held on G.C.College, Ankola
  • “On linear Algebra and its Application’’State  leval seminar  held on Sri Bhuvanendra college ,Karkal
  • “Graph in Networth Theory,National conference  held on Shri Siddeshwar Govt First grade college &PG studies centre Naragunda
  • Geometry, topology & their Applications  National conferenceheld on Karnataka university dharwad
  • On sgp-Compactness and sgp-Connectedness in topological spaces,ICASET-2017 , International conference held on MIT Manipal
  • On sgp- T3/2 l space,National conference  held on   Arts  and  Science  College  Kalghatagi

Refresher/Orientation Courses 

  • Orientation course- UGC-HRDC ,KARNATAKA UNIVERSITY DHARWAD -2009
  • Refresher course – UGC-HRDC ,RDVV, JABALAPUR (M.P) -2019