Bio-Club Report

Bio-Club Report

Bioclub is a student run organisation and is based upon the ideas of student growth beyond the classroom.

The mission of Bioclub is to recruit, support, nurture and promote students with an interest in biological sciences for personal reasons, academic preparations, the betterment of society and career opportunities by providing guidance, resources and activities to meet these goals.


  • To promote interaction between faculty and students.
  • To engage the students in social functions.
  • To advance biological research and education for the good of science and welfare of society.
  • To stimulate new fields of activity and research.
  • To develop individual and group initiatives.
  • To develop scientific attitude among students to inculcate a training in scientific method.
  • To motivate the students to organise science fest, exhibition, seminars, workshops etc.
  • To develop positive attitude towards scientific profession.
  • To encourage the students to participate in teaching-learning process.
  • To develop habit of doing work in a group.
  • To familiarize the students with recent development in life science