Flossy Felix Fernandes

Flossy Felix Fernandes
M.B.A. (Finance), K-SET
Date of joining – 17/06/2013
Email ID : fernandesflossie2@gmail.com


  • Qualified K-SET (Karnataka State Eligibility Test) in the year December 2018
  • BOE member of Karnatak University, Dharwad

Seminars, workshop and training attended

  • Attended National Seminar on “Quality Improvement in Post Accreditation Scenario” on 15 and 16 of February 2019 organized by S.D.M College, Honnavar
  • Participated in the ‘Quality Improvement programme for college teachers’ by IQAC S.D.M College, Honnavar in association with Manipal University on 10 September 2016
  • Participated in‘FEEL Teacher’ Learning and Development Intervention by CLHRD,Mangalorefrom 25 January to 27 Januvary 2014

Webinars and other activities attended

  • Attended National webinar on “COVID-19 and Local Government in Karnataka” organized by Karnataka State Rural Development and Panchayat Raj University, Gadag on 10 June 2020
  • Attended webinar on “NAAC assessment and accreditation process for affiliated college” organized by NAAC Bengaluru
  • Attended National webinar on “Digital Transformation- A way of self-reliance Indian Economy opportunities and challenges post COVID-19” on 2 and 3 June 2020 organized by SGTBK College, Jabalpur
  • Attended webinar on “Impact of COVID-19 on Indian Banking Sector” on 30 May 2020 organized by Krupanidhi Degree College, Bengaluru
  • Enrolled and attended the interaction session hosted by NAAC, Bengaluru on the topic “Turn the Challenges to Opportunities: COVID-19 Pandemics and measures to combat by Higher Education of India” on 28 May 2020
  • Participated in National level quiz on Environment and Ecology by Shri Shankar Arts & Commerce College, Navalgund on 5 June, 2020