Bharati S. Shanbhag

Bharati S. Shanbhag
Lecturer and Head of the Department
Date of Joining: 20/07/2007

Conference, Seminars and workshops attended

  • Attended National seminar on ‘Forest, Medicinal plants and People’ organized by Dept. of Natural resource Management College of Forestry, Sirsi from 21st to 22ndFeb.2008
  • Attended K.U College Botany & Zoology teachers’ conference held at Dr.A.V Baliga college of Arts & Science Kumta on 30th March 2008
  • National Seminar on “Challenges before Autonomous College” –November 2009
  • Attended XXXII All India Botanical Conference & International Symposium on ‘Diversity of Plants & microbes: Present scenario’ organized by Dept. of P.G Studies & research in applied Botany,Kuvempu University,Shimoga from 28th to 30th  Dec.2009
  • Attended XXXIII All India Botanical Conference & International Symposium on ‘The New Horizons of Botany’organized by Dept. of P.G Studies & research in appl Botany,Shivaji University,Kholapur from 10th to 12th  Nov, 2010
  •  National Seminar on “Human Rights awareness” –March 2012
  • FEEL Teacher Learning and Development Intervention, by CLHRD –January 2014
  •  Attended K.U College Botany teachers’ conference held at Dr.A.V Baliga college of Arts & Science Kumta on March 2017
  • National Seminar on “Quality improvement in Post Accreditation Scenario”- February 2019
  • Attended Quality Improvement Programme for College Teachers organized by IQAC in Jan, 2020
  • Attended Webinar on Ways to build Social Confidence by Dr Gururaj Karjagi on 28 May, 2020

Workshops and Trainings Organized and attended

  • State level Biodiversity Awareness Workshop on “Diversity and Importance of Lichens in the Western Ghats” October 2018
  • Training on “Coherence of Plants with Animals” (IIT Kharagpur Event) February 2019